jueves, 4 de diciembre de 2014


Unit 1: "Introduction to English"

1) See you later: Nos vemos luego / See you later mate
2) Noon: Medio día / At noon I see a little TV
3) Afternoon : Tarde / Whenever I arrive afternoon to college
4) Good bye: Adiós / Goodbye friends
5) Good morning: Buenos días / Good morning family.

Unit 2: "People around the World"

1) Cuba: Cuba / She is from Cuba.
2) Colombian: Colombiano / Are you Colombian?.
3) American: Americano / My nationality is American.
4) Peru: Peru / My from is Peru.
5) Ecuadorian: Ecuatoriano / I'm Ecuadorian.

Unit 3: "Families"

1) Only Child: Hijo Único / I'm an only child.
2)Ugly: Feo / My dog is very Ugly.
3) Sociable: Sociable / She is Sociable.
4) Young: Joven / My cousin is young.
5) Family tree: Árbol familiar / This is my family tree.

Unit 4: "Everyday life"

1) Work: Trabajo / They work in a oficce
2) Play: Jugar / I play Soccer.
3) Have a lunch: Almorzar / Have a lunch after work.
4) Daily routine: Rutina diaria. / This is my daily routine.
5) Go to bed: Irse a la cama. / I go to bed in nigh.

Unit 5: "Neighborhoods"

1) Motel: Motel / In my neighborhood there are a motels.
2) 3:15 : Three fifteen / It is three fifteen.
3) Bank: Banco / In my neighborhood there is a bank.
4) 11.15: A quarter past eleven / I went to bed at a quarter past eleven.
5) 5:00: Five o'clock / It is five o'clock.

Unit 6: "Free Time"

1) Hardly ever: Casi nunca / I hardly ever go to the supermarket
2) Often: A menudo / I Often read a book
3) In the morning: En la mañana / I take a shower in the morning.
4) Sometimes: A veces / Sometimes I go to the stadium
5) Always: Siempre / You always play football

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