jueves, 4 de diciembre de 2014


Unit 1: "Introduction to English"

1) See you later: Nos vemos luego / See you later mate
2) Noon: Medio día / At noon I see a little TV
3) Afternoon : Tarde / Whenever I arrive afternoon to college
4) Good bye: Adiós / Goodbye friends
5) Good morning: Buenos días / Good morning family.

Unit 2: "People around the World"

1) Cuba: Cuba / She is from Cuba.
2) Colombian: Colombiano / Are you Colombian?.
3) American: Americano / My nationality is American.
4) Peru: Peru / My from is Peru.
5) Ecuadorian: Ecuatoriano / I'm Ecuadorian.

Unit 3: "Families"

1) Only Child: Hijo Único / I'm an only child.
2)Ugly: Feo / My dog is very Ugly.
3) Sociable: Sociable / She is Sociable.
4) Young: Joven / My cousin is young.
5) Family tree: Árbol familiar / This is my family tree.

Unit 4: "Everyday life"

1) Work: Trabajo / They work in a oficce
2) Play: Jugar / I play Soccer.
3) Have a lunch: Almorzar / Have a lunch after work.
4) Daily routine: Rutina diaria. / This is my daily routine.
5) Go to bed: Irse a la cama. / I go to bed in nigh.

Unit 5: "Neighborhoods"

1) Motel: Motel / In my neighborhood there are a motels.
2) 3:15 : Three fifteen / It is three fifteen.
3) Bank: Banco / In my neighborhood there is a bank.
4) 11.15: A quarter past eleven / I went to bed at a quarter past eleven.
5) 5:00: Five o'clock / It is five o'clock.

Unit 6: "Free Time"

1) Hardly ever: Casi nunca / I hardly ever go to the supermarket
2) Often: A menudo / I Often read a book
3) In the morning: En la mañana / I take a shower in the morning.
4) Sometimes: A veces / Sometimes I go to the stadium
5) Always: Siempre / You always play football

Personal Reflection

Having never done a blog, or know how to use this tool, I found it very funny and creative.
He helped me be so ordered and understand the subject more dynamic.

lunes, 1 de diciembre de 2014

My Daily Routine

Hi, my name is Salvador and this is my daily routine.
I get up at nine o'clock and i take a shower.
Between nine and ten I dress up  and breakfast.
At ten I go to university from monday to friday, after I lunch at home and play xbox games
Then I go to my girlfriend house and I dinner with her and at eleven p.m. I back to my house to sleep.


My Family Tree

- My paternal grandfather is Fernando Lorca
- My paternal grandmother is Maria Iturrieta
- My maternal grandfather is Sergio Silva
- My maternal grandmother is Eliana Olivares
- My Father is Victor H. Lorca Iturrieta
- My Mother is Ariela Silva Olivares
- My brother is Victor A. Lorca Silva
- My paternal uncle is Marcos Lorca, his daughter from his first marriage is Fernanda Lorca Aliste, his current wife is Ana Escobar and my cousins are Ignacio Lorca Escobar and Florencia Lorca Escobar
- My paternal uncle is Luis Lorca Iturrieta, his wife is Miryam Jimenez
- My maternal aunt is Claudia Silva Olivares, her husband is Mauricio Salas and my cousins are Katherine Salas Silva and Nicolas Salas Silva


The Visual Alphabet
